Big bouquet of pink Carnations
Big bouquet. Materials for the bouquet:
for the petals:
- 300 stands of 24 cm Standard Size Twistart of color (028) antique pink;
for the foliage:
- 120 stands of 50 cm Standard Size Twistart of color (011) green;
for the binding:
- 9,60 m strand of Standard Size Twistart of color (011) green;
- 4 rubber band;
- 1 pair of scissors.
Instructions The petal.

The bouquet is composed of 3 big Carnations like the project n. 7-3 Carnations bouquet. The two projects are different in the colors used and in the dimensions of the strands. Each flower is composed of 100 petals 24 cm long and 40 strands 50 cm long for the foliage.

The binding. For this big bouquet is necessary to make two bindings: the first at 2 cm from the bottom of the bouquet and the second one after two other cm.